Сценарій свята до тижня іноземної мови
English with fun. Travelling to
Цілі: ознайомити
учнів з визначними місцями Лондона; сприяти актуалізації знань учнів з
англійської мови; стимулювати мовні здібності учнів, їх прагнення показати свій
інтелект; розвивати акторські здібності учнів; виховувати любов до вивчення
іноземної мови.
Обладнання: мультимедійна дошка, презентація «Визначні місця Лондона»,
декорації до казки «The Little House in the Wood»
І. Вступна частина
Ведучий: Dear friends! Today we’re having an unusual holiday “Learning English
with fun”. It’s a great pleasure and a great honour
for us to open it.I would like
to welcome all the personalities who are attending this little party:
our pupils and, of course, our teachers. We’ll travel
to London, the capital of Great Britain and the country of English language. Okey
dear guests, let’s start. The first stopping place is “The importance of learning English”.
II. Основна
Розповідь учнів про важливість вивчення іноземних мов у сучасному
1: Nowadays it is
especially important to know foreign languages. Everyone,
who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors
in the original.
2: We study
English. Nowadays English has become the world’s most
important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. Over
300 million people speak it as a mother tongue.
3: Half of the
world’s scientific literature is in English. English
language is a wonderful language. It is the language of the great literature. It is the language
of William
Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens. To
know English today is absolutely necessary for
every educated man, for every good specialist. The
great German poet Goethe once said, “He, who
knows no foreign language, does not know his
own one”. That is why in order to understand oneself
and environment one has to study foreign languages.
Ведучий: Do you know the most interesting places of interests
in London? We offer to your attention the presentation about London.
2. Перегляд
презентації, коментування учнями.
Ведучий: English cannot live without tales. Our little kids
have prepared a little play “The Little House in the Wood”.
3. Інсценізація
казки «The little House in the Wood»
Little House in the Wood”
The Mouse
The Frog
The Cock
The Hare
The Hedgehog
The Fox
(The Mouse comes up to a little house in the
middle of the stage)
Mouse: I am the Mouse. This is my house.
Frog jumps up to the Mouse)
Frog: Croak, croak! Hallo! Who are you?
Mouse: I am the Mouse. And who are you?
Frog: I am the Frog. May I live with you?
Mouse: Yes, you may. Please, come here.
(The Cock comes up to them)
Cock: Cock-a-doodle-doo! How do you do! Who are you?
Mouse: I am the Mouse.
Frog: And I am the Frog.
Cock: I am the Cock. May I live with you?
Mouse: Yes, you may, but don’t wake us up early.
Frog: Please, don’t wake us up early!
Cock: No, no, don’t worry about that!
Frog (together): Come here,
(The Hare comes up to the house)
Hare: How do you do? Who are you?
Mouse: I am the Mouse.
Frog: I am the Frog.
Cock:I am the Cock. Who are you?
Hare: I am the Hare.
Frog, Cock (together):
Yes, you may!
(The Hedgehog comes up to them)
Hedgehog: How do you do? Who are you?
Mouse: I am the Mouse.
Frog: I am the Frog.
Cock: I am the Cock.
Hare: I am the Hare. Who are you?
Hedgehog: I am the Hedgehog. May I live with you?
Frog, Cock, Hare (together):
Yes, you may!
Cock: But please, don’t prick us!
Hedgehog: Oh, no, don’t worry about that!
All: Come here, please!
(The Fox comes up to them)
Fox: How do you do, my dear Friends! Who are you?
(in turn): I am the Mouse.
I am the Frog. I am the Cock. I am the Hare. I am the Hedgehog!
Fox: I am your friend, the Fox! May I live with you?
All: No, no, you are bad, you want to eat us up!
(The Fox runs away)
Ведучий:The last stopping-place will be “Reciting poems” funny
poems in English by our little pupils.
4. Декламування
віршів учнями
am a girl.
My name is Jane.
I have a sister,
Her name is Ann.
am a girl.
My name is Jane.
I have two sisters
Kate and Ann.
am a girl.
My name is Ann.
I have a father.
His name is Dan.
am s girl.
My name is Ann.
I have two brothers
Pete and Dan.
am a girl.
My name is Kate.
I have a brother
He is eight.
night, father,
Good night, mother
Kiss your little son!
Good night, sister
Good night, brother
Good night, everyone!
ІІІ. Заключна
Ведучий:Our journey is over. But remember English is so important
in the world! Learn it with fun! Thank you for your attention, we hope you
liked our party.
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